Архів статей


18.05.2016 10:18
1.  Are you good at making friends? 2.  Can you remember your first friend? 3.  What’s the best age for making friends? 4.  How long has your strongest friendship lasted? 5.  How often do you contact with your long-distance...


18.05.2016 10:13
                                          1.  What kind of food do you like? 2.  What kind of food don’t...


18.05.2016 10:09
  1.  What kind of clothes do you like? 2.  What kind of clothes don’t you like? 3.  What’s your favourite piece of clothing? 4.  What do you never wear? 5.  What do you wear now that you never wore 10 years...


18.05.2016 10:07
  1.  How often do you go to the cinema? 2.  Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? 3.  What kind of films do you like? 4.  What kind of films don’t you like? 5.  Do...


18.05.2016 09:48
   1.  What’s your earliest memory? 2.  What was your favourite toy? 3.  What was your favourite cartoon? 4.  Were you afraid of anything? 5.  What was your favourite...


18.05.2016 09:47
Beauty 1.  Who is the most beautiful person in the world? 2.  Is beauty the same for every person? 3.  Can you name some celebrities who are considered to be      beautiful, but you don’t think so? 4....


18.05.2016 09:45
    1.  Are you reading a good book at the moment? 2.  What kind of books do you like? 3.  What kind of books don’t you like? 4.  What’s your favourite book? 5.  Do you...


18.05.2016 09:45
                  1.  How do you usually feel on your birthday? 2.  What’s the best age to be? 3.  Have you ever had...


18.05.2016 09:43
1.  How do you feel about advertising? 2.  Are you easily persuaded to buy something after seeing or      hearing an advertisement? 3.  What kind of advertisements attracts your attention? 4.  What’s the best...

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09.05.2016 13:08
Зображено: 11 - 20 з 54
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