Christmas time .....
Christmas means a lot to me
Because you have made it special you see
You give me your love from deep within
Even though your patience I wear thin
You are my shinning star so bright
May world goes from darkness to light
You know what I need to make it through
And I am very blessed and thankful for you
Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without you
My day would be sad, lonely and blue
Christmas means a lot because of the love you give
You have always taught that we must forgive
Christmas means lot of things
It means presents, clothes and diamond rings
It means giving from the very start
Giving from deep within the heart
Christmas means the end of another year
Together we are able to stand up and cheer
And add another year together my dear
For our love we have for each other is sincere
For it is our happiness and love we share
A special time for us to show each other we care
To join our love ones in a Christmas celebration
To teach others with example and inspiration